This project will revolutionize the way stacks are produced in the future. The members of the consortium are: a developer and producer of fuel cell systems (Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH), a supplier of MEAs and BiPolar Plates (BPP) (EWII), a supplier of industrial machinery for assembly, handling and testing equipment (USK Karl UTZ Sondermaschinen GmbH), two renowned research institutions (Technische Universitat Chemnitz/ ALF, Fraunhofer IWU) and an EU project management expert (Uniresearch B.V.) and last but not least, UPS an international transport OEM with its own vehicle production of Light Commercial Vehicles. The project results can be used for several purposes: Branding, Prototyping and Business development. The stacks can be used outside of the automotive industry because they can be adapted to other applications (such as uninterruptible power sources) by the design of a fuel cell system.