Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2023 |
Investigations on the surface texture after pulsed electrochemical machining (PECM) of the magnetic shape memory alloy NiMnGa
Böttcher, Falko; Schneider, Jörg; Husnain, Rizwan Ul; Edelmann, Jan; Böhm, Andrea |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2023 |
Precise parallel processing of a magnetic shape memory alloy using PECM
Böttcher, Falko; Schneider, Jörg; Husnain, Rizwan Ul; Edelmann, Jan |
Meeting Abstract
2023 |
Experimental setup for long term high-precision static friction tests for clamping systems of rotary tables in cutting machine tools
Wieland, Sebastian; Zschech, Richard; Schneider, Jörg; Müller, Jens; Edelmann, Jan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2022 |
Simulation concept for surface designs increasing the coefficient of static friction
Walther, Franz; Wieland, Sebastian; Schneider, Jörg; Edelmann, Jan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2022 |
Mikrostrukturierung von Bohrungsmantelflächen
Funke, Roman; Schmidt, Torsten; Schubert, Andreas; Edelmann, Jan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
New Separation Processes for Fabrication of Magnetic Shape Memory Actuator Elements
Böhm, Andrea; Meichnser, Gunnar; Schneider, Jörg; Drossel, Welf-Guntram |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2020 |
Surface modification of forming tools for aluminum sheet metal forming
Kuisat, Florian; Abraham, Tim; Schmidt, Torsten; Weber, Martin; Demmler, Matthias; Bräuer, Günter; Lasagni, Andrés Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2020 |
Tool concept for structure rolling to improve tribologically stressed components
Schmidt, Torsten; Schneider, Jörg; Edelmann, Jan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2019 |
Funktionsoberflächen für den Werkzeugbau zum Pressen und Lackieren glasfaserverstärker Kunststoffe
Schneider, Jörg |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2019 |
Sealing of glass with titanium by glass pressing at the softening point
Winkler, Sebastian; Edelmann, Jan; Günther, Daniel; Wieland, Sebastian; Selbmann, Franz; Baum, Mario; Schubert, Andreas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
Surface modification of additively manufactured gamma titanium aluminide hardware
Seidel, André; Davids, Andreas; Polenz, Stefan; Straubel, Ariane; Maiwald, Tim; Moritz, Juliane; Schneider, Jörg; Marquardt, Axel; Saha, S.; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
Surface modification for SMC moulding tools by laser remelting
Gärtner, Eric; Vogel, Marc; Schneider, Jörg; Edelmann, Jan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2019 |
Advanced manufacturing approach via the combination of selective laser melting and laser metal deposition
Schneider, Jörg; Seidel, André; Gumpinger, Johannes; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article